A little More...

A little More...

I have always loved art, design, colour, composition and fashion. These designs were born out of my love for colour, illustration, design, painting and a collage of these elements. The designs were painstakingly created over two years, as I began, then changed and changed them as I experienced more of what makes life wonderful yet difficult, the birth of my amazing little girl, and the tragic sudden loss of my father. And then I finished the first collection.

My background in design led me to a point where I wanted to also create for myself, to no trends, and to no time limits, but with my colour and imagery that spoke to my heart and soul. 

The designs reflect love, life, hope, magic, adventure, chaos, independence and joy. They are also heavily influenced by my time spent living abroad, particularly, in South Africa. I was so fortunate to have lived on the Crocodile River with nothing but water separating our home and the animals in the Kruger National Park, to experience there the beautiful connections of family and community, the intense sunsets and electrical storms, the story of survival amongst the people and the wild. All of a sudden I felt more aware of the world.  

Silk scarves speak of luxury, and are a beautiful natural fabric to wear with a lovely drape. The designs and the fabric are digitally printed and made in Sydney, Australia, using the worlds' best fabric to digital printing technology. I chose to keep the making of the scarves low in numbers and local for many reasons.

The scarves are for you, for me, for anyone with a love and passion for colour, art, illustration and design. My vision is to grow and grow the brands offering with different fabrics, styles and designs, and to keep the designs to limited numbers. 

The collection is for any age, any sex, any culture.

Made with love, for the independent, the individual and for your pleasure.






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Textile Design and Recent Art

Textile Design and Recent Art

Launch Party in the heart of Daylesford!